So We Bought a Meth-House and it’s Kinda Scary

We Bought a Meth-House and it’s Kinda Scary

We bought a meth-house and it’s kinda scary. Nothing went as planned for this move from Northern Nevada, but ultimately God had us in His plan, and we were able to purchase this house on 1.5 acres for only $3,000 down! Yes, it needed A TON of work but the available rentals out here were all crumbling, disgusting and dangerous to our health. At least this way we’d have control over our home decisions and HOW we wanted to re-build and improve something. It has STRONG bones!

Meth-House to Cob Remodeled Mississippi Mud Home

I bought this meth-house / old farmhouse with my kids in Mississippi, in September of 2020. My 2 kids are both grown and my daughter Shayne has moved away to go to school and live in the beautiful North West; she will be 20 in just a couple weeks. So now it’s just my son Travis and I. He just turned 24 and currently suffers grand mal seizures, so what we are able to accomplish varies a lot. His seizures started in 2018 and have been a huge factor in our wanting to get on land and have a cob built homestead.

So We Bought a Meth-House and it's Kinda Scary, Cob, Tadelakt

This is the room that ended up being Travis’ bedroom. We gutted it, took all the crap paneling down from the walls and ripped up the carpet. We had to get it livable immediately. We painted the sub-floor with primer and a one spot under the window where you could see there had been a leak years before. Every window in the house needs replaced so we have to go slow and be strategic in what we work on first so that we don’t have to do things twice. Smart not hard.

Then I Found Jesus

When we first came out here I had been a hypnotist and Reiki practitioner for 10 years and had a business that I had converted to be strictly on-line so that I could care for my son. I worked primarily with people who had very interesting life experiences like myself. I loved my job and believed I was helping people. And of course I did help people, to a degree. But in this health journey with my son, in my business and personal life, the truth began to come to light and was impossible to ignore. I came to the south intending to eventually open a new office and see clients here locally, and I found Jesus instead. More about that on my other website and YouTube channel here.

So very long story short, I closed my business for the services I had once offered and we began our new journey to create an income doing what we need to be doing everyday anyways; and so Homestead Harbor was born and is sort of a spin off of Mississippi Mud home. Which is my desire to share our possible solutions in fortifying this home to withstand these nasty storms AND repair the house with materials that can’t mold or mildew and will help mitigate the very humid conditions here in Mississippi.

We Bought a Meth-House, Cob, Tadelakt

It’s really common here in Mississippi to see homes rotting in real time before your eyes. I wish people knew what was possible with cob. How they could save their own homes with the very soil beneath their feet. So it is my hope to be an example of what is possible. And it may be that this has far more potential simply because there would be no need for building permits, as the home is already existing, and you’re simply re-modeling.


Tadelakt is an amazing finishing technique used to beautify and add waterproof function to your home. It is a water resistant finish so it can be applied to sinks, showers, pools, spas, baths, or to decorate a wall. It’s a great alternative to tiles in your bathroom.”

~Alex, This Cob House
We Bought a Meth-House, Tadelakt, Cob

I plan to take down the crap paneling in my bedroom and fill in the walls/between the studs with cob. The bathrooms are by far the worst thing inside of the house. These will be re-done with cob and tadelakt. We have to be realistic however for how long some of these projects might actually take with our budget and physical capabilities. But we are excited to get started and share our journey with everyone who wants to come along and hopefully learn from our mistakes and accomplishments. We hope to hear some great ideas from people and inspire others to do the same, and re-build their homes using some of these techniques.

We sure appreciate all the support we already have. If you are currently blessed and would like to bless us with any size of donation you can do that through Paypal by sending to If you live in Northern Mississippi, Western Alabama or South West Tennessee and want to donate supplies (old or new) please email me at

I’ll be featuring other homesteading/natural building channels, resources and sites that have inspired me over the past 15-20 years to do what we are doing now. Please share with us your favorite channels and families doing the same. And PLEASE share our site and channel with your friends and family.

I’ll sign off here since this is getting a little long. Thanks for taking the time!

May grace, mercy and peace be with you and yours,
